Don't Call Me Baby!

This tough-looking animal peering through the little slits of her lowered eyelids while sucking on celery as if it were a cigar is none other than the former 'Baby Gorilla'. Can you believe it?

There was no more motherly supervision as she dangled idly by one paw, ran along a vine tightrope with a 'look ma, no hands!' air and surveyed her Domain from the treetops.

Of course she had a few words to say to her animal friends.

Hey! You with the feathers! Duckie! Watch out behind ya!!
Who, me? Watch out? Why?....Yikes! What the heck is that? I'm outta here!
Heh heh, Anteater, stuck? I hear Weight Watchers has a great new program.

Mind your own business. I'm not stuck - just trying to or out, in or out.


Yo! Tigers. Here's an idea. Get a room!

Here's a suggestion for you, Nosy. Get a life! Grrrrr.
Yoohoo, Wallaroo! (Heehee, that rhymes). I hope you have sunscreen on!
Oh hush! I'm practising. *Na na na-na na-na, this angel is the centerfold.*
Siamangs! Either you need Robitussin or singing lessons. Talk about a sour note!
Wait! Who said that? I don't see you. Is this place haunted? Are you a ghost? Oh dearie me.
Do I hear the sounds of lunch being served? Time to go. Buh-bye.