Sunday, February 17, 2013
My decision to walk a few miles on a dull, damp day was rewarded by a spectacular look at a Bald Eagle near the Big Pond. Because it was so dark, most of my pictures looked like this:
I was pleased to be able to coax some pictures out of the silhouettes.

The Bald Eagle is truly a regal bird.

He scans the fields, looking for lunch perhaps.

Nothing escapes his eagle eye.

I see you down there, lady-with-the-camera!

He didn't seem to mind me - I was right underneath him here.

In a tree by the big pond was this immature fellow.
He was much more skittery and didn't hang around very long.

Meanwhile, all the little birds were in a real flap!
'Fly away! Fly away!' warned the Red-winged blackbirds!
Nobody wants to be the King's Lunch!

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