Seen at the Big Pond today.

Boy, will I be glad when the leaves are back on the trees! I'll be able to hide. No more pointing fingers! No more listening to 'Hey! It's an Immature Eagle!'
I resent being constantly called 'immature'. What's wrong with 'young', or 'adolescent' or 'youthful'? Most of us kids are quite embarrassed by our patchy appearances. It's not appropriate for such a regal bird to look so bedraggled.

I thought of coloring my feathers but I couldn't decide whether to go all white or all black. I guess I'll just wait it out and see what happens. I'm sure not a fan of this moth-eaten look!

In the meantime I'll practice my Bald Eagle Stance so I'm ready for maturity.

'Who's looking good today?
Who's looking good in every way?'
That would be ME! And if you're gonna call me names, I'm tellin' my Mom. And I won't invite you to my birthday party. So there!

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