We haven't been out for a hike for a while. The weather's been cold and damp and Tim has been recovering from knee surgery.

Today we went on a scouting mission, to find Evans Creek Preserve. It looked like a gentle, easy hike for us when we're ready to start up again.

As soon as we got there, it started to rain. Ho hum. We took a short walk anyway.

I had to smile - one of the first bright spots in the grass turned out to be the ubiquitous Dandelion. We saw a few of these hardy souls as we hiked along the gravel trail.
Several brightly-colored nesting boxes caught my eye on one of the trails. I wondered whether they had been a class project.
Here is my personal favorite sign of Spring - the Yellow Skunk Cabbage. A small grove of blooms shone out of a wetland area beside the trail. They were gorgeous.

The Washington Trails article we'd read mentioned that the boardwalk trails here were 'handcrafted' by WTA volunteers. Tim and I have had a lot fun joking about the overuse of the word 'handcrafted' these days.

We were in a state of subdued excitement, walking on the famous 'handcrafted' boardwalks. Teehee.

A number of bushes beside the trail were trying to bloom. I don't know what this one is. Hopefully if we return at a later date we'll be able to identify it.
I enjoyed a walk on another 'handcrafted' boardwalk. Joking aside, the boardwalks were beautifully made and surprisingly not as slippery as we expected.

A group of Silver Birches had clumps of thick moss growing in patches on the north sides of their trunks.

Our walk was a short one today. No doubt we shall return to see this pretty place in a different season.

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