I've missed my Zoo visits very much. Work got in the way of Life, I suppose. I took advantage of a lovely day off today to make a trip there. Oooops, I forgot that it is Spring Break. There were tons of people and activity everywhere. It was great fun, as always.
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First stop was the area where the Red-Ruffed Lemurs sometimes hang out. This one played peek-a-boo with me from behind a fallen tree.
His pal looked as if he was rolling his eyes and muttering "Oh, really!" He was not at all impressed.

All winter the path near the gorillas has been roped off and today I saw why. A marvellous new area has been constructed for the gorillas, along with a great viewing area for the public.

I watched this group for ages as they scrounged for food and played.

I could almost imagine a conversation going on between these two.

"Aww, c'mon. Share!"

"Nope. You're old enough to find your own, so skedaddle!"

And off the smaller one went to find his own meal.
This giraffe just would NOT turn around so I could get a face shot. I thought this was kind of an interesting angle though.
I tried to get a picture of the hippo grunting loudly to his pal on the shore but he closed his mouth every time I got the camera focussed.
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