Seattle is a great place for individuality. I particularly enjoy finding interesting homes. A few years ago, we found the lovely Victorian House.

Today we stopped briefly to take a few pictures of what I call the Carousel House. You can see why.

The house is on a corner, and bordering each side, between the sidewalk and the curb is ornamental brickwork. Every so often, there is a sculptured merry-go-round horse.

It's very eye-catching and is obviously very well maintained.

Here's a closeup of one of the "medallions".

The house itself is surrounded by carousel animals. I'm not sure whether they've been carefully collected from retired merry-go-rounds, or if they've been hand-made by a carousel afficionado.

Some of the horses have names. Painted on the turquoise rein of this one is the name "Herman".

I loved the mermaid tail.

Here is Peter, perhaps named after Peter Rabbit. :) Each animal is mounted on a genuine-looking pole, which gives the effect that they are ready to ride.
This one is Hilda. Upon closer inspection (as close as I dared get), I noticed that the horse appeared to be hand-painted.
A black horse, decorated with rosettes and the Zebra (next picture) guarded the gateway to the side yard.

How bright and colorful it looked when the sun emerged and shone on them.

On top of the carousel poles were lights. I could imagine how pretty it looks at night.

The front door of the house was observed by a stylish giraffe. The carvings or sculptures look to be in very good shape, and very well cared-for.
And along the side, a deer kept watch over a carved Canada Goose in the garden.
Smaller sculptures such as this pair of jovial rabbits were scattered over the grounds .
Every exposed part of the surroundings was decorated. This area led to the alley which ran behind the house.

I loved the gnomes. It truly was a colorful and eyecatching place.

I've tried to find out more about this home but so far, no luck. I'd love to hear the story behind this one :D

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