Woodland Park Zoo, Seattle
May 9, 2011
I made another attempt to get a decent picture of the baby Ocelot on Monday. Having heard that Evita was usually seen between 11 a.m. and 2 pm, I took up my post at 10:45 a.m. I left at 11:45 - gosh that was a long and fruitless hour. FAIL!

Here are a few animals who graciously allowed me to take photos of them. Thanks, guys!

Smile? I AM smiling! Come a little closer. :D
Would you like to share my morning snack? You look hungry.
I heard the sun might come out this week. D'ya really think so? Please say yes.
I tell ya what. The red leaves taste the BEST.
Shhhh. We're playing Hide-And-Go-Seek. Hubert will never find me, will he?
I'm going to hide here. I think I blend in very well.
Busy, busy, busy. No time to play. Nests to build. Eggs to hatch.
Oh hai girls! How do you like my Fauxhawk? What a Hottie, huh?
I'm keeping an eye on that big ol' Mountain Goat, and if he moves, I'm outta here!

It's hard to blend in when you're a Zebra, but I am half-camouflaged here, I think.
Something new at the Zoo!

I loved watching the Ostriches. How sad it was when they both died. about this time last year. The female died first, of a leg injury received while being treated for a fungal infection. Two weeks later Ozzie the male was euthanized after suffering leg and head trauma in a fall into a water tub. Perhaps he missed his mate.

I couldn't believe my eyes today - there was a new ostrich on the Savannah, checking out her surroundings from inside a temporary canvas compound. A keeper told me that yes indeed, the Zoo has 2 new ostriches who are currently being acclimated to their new surroundings. Hooray!

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