I took a slow and careful walk around parts of the Zoo this morning. It was a gorgeous, very sunny day. The animals were enjoying the sun and many were a bit preoccupied, waiting for meals. After a while, the crowds poured in so I left. Here are some pictures.
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It's difficult to get a good picture of the lemurs now that the leaves are on the trees, and especially difficult in the bright sunlight. This one was kind enough to sit still for a moment.
Then he flopped back as if to say "Waitress, where's my martini?"
These two gorillas were a riot! They were play-fighting, just like kids. The bigger one looked more ferocious but he wasn't - he was putting his heart and soul (and teeth) into the performance.
"Hmmm," he seems to say as he gets the upper hand. "What's next?"
"I'll show YOU, you little pest. Get ready for an airplane ride!"
"Okay, okay! I say UNCLE!" moans the little guy with a twinkle in his eye.
Meanwhile, back in the other gorilla compound, old Vip looks very thoughtful.
"Check out THIS muscle, kids!" he says as he flexes and displays.
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