July 18, 2013
Today's destination was Hurricane Ridge, high up in the Olympic Mountains. We will drive 17 miles into the mountains with an elevation gain of 5,242 feet from sea level. We were very pleased that we drove from clouds into sunshine and clear skies.

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Our first leg was a ferry ride from Edmonds to Kingston. *Some folks* were rather giddy about this.
We drove past a few of the lavender fields at Sequim. The Lavender Festival is this weekend.
Up, up, up we went. The view from the top is amazing.

A number of Mule Deer were quite resigned to having their meadows invaded.


Tim and Mom admire the Olympic Range.


Mom records the scenery.

The views are almost overwhelming.
Meadows and mountains - what could be better?

We follow a trail along the top of the ridge and see loads of Columbia Lilies.

'No, we won't back up a step or two.' says Mom.
I wonder if there are any Mountain Goats in the meadows?
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