August 12, 2011
It was a real November morning today - fog-shrouded, gray and damp. Wait, it's not even mid-August! What's up with that? Wanting to see how the camera fared under these lighting conditions, I toddled along to the 60th Street P-Patch Community Garden.

'P-Patch is the name given to community gardens that are managed by the Seattle Department of Neighborhoods P-Patch Community Gardening Program. The name, P-Patch, originated from its first community garden, Picardo Farm. Gardens come in many shapes, sizes, and ownerships.' [link]

I don't know what surprised me the most - how far behind the growing season seems or the fact that my Automatic flash did not go off once despite the dark and gloomy conditions. I was pretty happy with the results. Here are 9 pictures.

A few brave little sunflowers were a bright spot in the mist.

Looks like there will be a lot of fried green tomatoes this year.

C'mon fellows! You can do it!

The gourds seem to be flourishing, however.

A few small apples brightened the greenery.

Oh no! Autumn flowers already?

A pretty rose peeped out from its evergreen nest nearby.

Chrysanthemums reminded me not to forget them over the Winter season.

And another Sunflower waved goodbye.

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