Woodland Park Zoo
August 19, 2010

It was cold and gray today so I made a really quick trip to see if I could spot the 2-toed Sloth first thing in the morning. Nope, I guess he didn't like the cold gray weather. Here are a few of the animals who ventured outside for breakfast.
Harrummph. What kinda person puts the cat out on a day like this?
So, where's the food? I'm all ready - face washed, hair combed. I'm hungry, guys!
Hey, has anyone got a spare blanket? My poor wife is freezing out here.

Treat time! I wish they'd give us spoons. Or sporks. I've always wanted a spork.


Oh boy, look at those clouds. Where's my umbrella?

Let me in! Let me in! Please?
Maybe if I make a little noise they'll get the hint.
Ooooh yummy. Look what I just found. Slurp, slurp, slurp!
Yikes, what a racket? Someone should teach old Greedy Guts some table manners.
I spy with my little eye....
Breakfast! And it's all for me!