Woodland Park Zoo
September 12, 2008

I was so happy to see little Uzuuma back to her old tricks today!

She was sitting up brightly on Mum's back, surveying her domain.

'Be careful!' warns Mum, as Uzuuma is anxious to get down and run around.

'I will! Don't worry!' answers Uzuuma.

'Zelda showed me how to do this, Mum!' she snickers.

'Look at me! Wheeeee!! I can climb!'

'All the way to the top! I'm the greatest!'

'You look good enough to eat today, lady. Yummm!'

'Hey! Whatcha doin' up there? huh?'

'Oh, just hangin' out.'

'I've heard of the Ugly Duckling. Is this the Ugly Flamingo???'

A couple of Iguanas peek over the edge of their display.

Is the crocodile really asleep? Who knows?

'I don't trust that smile! Lemme outta here!' says the Yellow Spotted Sideneck Turtle.

'Shhhh. I'm just gonna keep very still and quiet.' whispers the Red-footed Tortoise.

'Hey! You down there! C'mon up for a second!' yells a Sun Bear.

'Shh, don't tell anyone but...*whisper whisper whisper*.

A Sun Bear checks to see if the coast is clear.

'There goes my sister Chinta with her stupid burlap again...soooo embarrassing!'

'I love my blankie. You're just jealous because you don't have one.'

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