Woodland Park Zoo ~ Seattle

September 17, 2009
I walked to the Zoo on a misty morning, very surprised to see so many people had the same idea. Most of the animals looked as if they were relaxing, getting ready for the cooler seasons ahead.

Ho-hum, another day, another tourist. I'm pretending I'm sneaking through the jungle, looking for prey. What a shame that big piece of glass is in the way or I'd be very lucky.

*sigh* Look at my sister, 'way up on the top of *my* tree! It doesn't look as if Mom is going to turn me loose anytime soon today. Rats!.

Teehee, Uzuuma. I'm up here and you're down there. Nyah-nyah!.

'Everyone needs sombody to lean on." thinks Pete, the oldest gorilla at the Zoo. 'Looks like this tree branch is in just the right place.'

I bet when you look at a cute little, colorful guy like me, the Panamanian Golden Frog, you would have no idea how poisonous I am, would you? Want me to show you?

I'm pretty poisonous too, but somebody decided to call us the Poisonous Dart Frogs so everyone knows. I'm just practicing my climbing skills today, see?

I'm a Blair's Kingsnake, immune to rattlesnake venom. So I'm not afraid to hole up here in a ummm hole with my tail hanging out. :)

Tiger One is awake, looking around for someone to play with.
What's this? Tiger Two is awake too! Let the good times roll.

This is as close as they got - ships that passed in the night.

Soooo, we're locked out of our quarters for a while today. Some lady is cleaning. I don't know why, because we're very tidy. I'm just waiting patiently but Doofus up there is showing off fit to beat the band.
Me? Show off?I'm just doing my strength training. Yeah, that's it. Strength.

I sometimes turn my face to the sun and think of Africa!

So how are you guys today...did you hear me? I asked you a question. Didn't anyone ever tell you it's rude to ignore people? Huh? Are you listening? .
Sheeesh, so much for talking to eggs.

How's my tan coming along? Should I put on more sunblock, do you think?
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