With an unexpected day off I found myself once again drawn to the Zoo. I can't tell you how nice it is to walk leisurely around in virtual solitude. The baby gorilla was not around as her enclosure is being renovated. A lovely big climbing area full of trees and vines is being installed. The last tree was damaged in a storm, making it unsafe.

I spent time with some animals I haven't visited for a while, as many of my usual favorites were nowhere to be seen. There was definitely a nip in the air this morning.

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'Ouch! Get off me! You're are getting too heavy for wrestling matches!'
'Slurp, slurp, slurp! Oooooh yummy! I've got peanut butter and you don't!'
'Hey up there! Got any more peanut butter? My brother won't share, the little piggie!'
'Hmmmm. Is this breakfast? Looks kinda scrawny to me!'
'Wait! wait! Come back! I was just teasing.'
'Oh man, it's like a freakin' obstacle course out here today!'
'How the heck am I supposed to get over this stuff, huh?'
'Oh well. Up and over. I said up and over. Oooooof!'
'Gad, here's another one. What's up with this stuff, huh?'
'Ahhhhh, time to rest on my laurels. Or dandelions. Or whatever they are.'

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