OCTOBER 5 th, 2013
Finally - a sunny Saturday so off we went to see if we could find any Autumn colors. It's been a strange year - four warm, dry months of Summer followed by a very wet September. Most of the leaves around here are looking pretty pathetic- shriveled, brownish and crispy. Nevertheless, it was great to be out on such a gorgeous day.

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Our first destination was Miller River road where we saw so many beautiful Larch trees last year.
This leaf is more representative of what we were seeing now, poor thing.
Some of the hillsides had a little bit of color, mostly shades of brown.
Here and there a golden tree brightened the roadside.
Why did the Sharp-tailed Grouse cross the road? Well we don't know, but we sure got the stink-eye from him as he ambled back and forth, back and forth!
More yellow leaves provided a backdrop for the silver birches.

Well look what I found by the side of the road! It's a Tim.
He's focussed on a pretty spider web.
There were also a number of creeks and waterfalls.

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