Woodland Park Zoo: Friday February 28, 2014
On a sunny Friday I braved the I-5 traffic by myself to visit the Zoo. Ahhhh memories - I'd forgotten all about the Nannies on their cell phones, and the school fieldtrips with tidal waves of excited kids chased by their chaperones. It was all good and while some of the usual suspects were off view for the day, I saw a few animals I'd not seen for a while.

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Hahahahaha. Hey Pete! Here's a joke for you. How do you make a gorilla stew?
Know the answer? Give up? Want me to tell you?

*Yawn* Same answer as last time, Nina. Keep him waiting.
(I'd like to say 'Keep waking him up with the same joke but Nina might smack me!)

Good grief! There goes Nina with her joke again. I'm outta here!
Note to self: get Nina a new joke book for her birthday!
Whatcha lookin' at, Auntie? Huh? Huh? Is it something for a cute little guy like me?
Wow! It's yummy leaves at just the right height. Lucky me! Thanks!
Meanwhile, over at the Orangutan area there were two strange lumps on the ground.
Suddenly one sat up and poked the other.
Hey Dad - I've had enough of playing Statues! Let's play something FUN now!

Dad. C'mon. Wake up! Let's go! It's time for some Hide and Seek. You count and I'll hide.
Kids! Where do they get all that energy?
She can hide all day if she likes. Me, I'm going back to sleep. Night-night.
I wonder why the keepers are making us stay outside today?
Surely they are finished their cleaning by now!
I've had enough singing and sun - I want to go inside and rest.
Have no fear! *I'll* get their attention. Watch this.
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