May 24, 2014
One of the highlights of today's trip was provided by the lions. When I last saw them they had barely met and were keeping a good distance between each other. Today they made all of us in the observation area laugh out loud.


King Xerxes was napping on the heated rock when I arrived.

He soon awoke looking very frisky indeed.

Hmmmm - I wonder if my new girlfriend is frisky too? Let's go and see.

Hey cutie - how about a little ol' roll in the grass?

Oh my goodness NO! Not with all those people watching.
And I have a headache!


How can she turn down a magnificent specimen like me?

Well that spoiled my morning. Let me think.

Waaaaaah! (I'll try a little whining.)

This whining is making me laugh. I bet I sound silly.

Goodnight Adiya!
Goodnight Xerxes - you're the best!

I know. Ain't that the truth.

Photo Index

One of the Zoo volunteers later told me that after a recent 2 weeks of frantic activity with Xerxes, Adiya might already be pregnant. We shall see.