Oh boy, the Zoo was wall-to-wall people today. Many large companies booked picnic areas for staff outings. The largest was the Seattle Firefighters Union. It was a gorgeous day, and everyone looked happy.

The Komodo Dragon's skin looked extra nice today in his sunny enclosure.
Crazy stripes!
What do you mean 'Let's make ourselves look like a Geodesic Dome'?
Best pals.
I've got stripes, stripes around my shoulders...
Seeing double?

I wonder if my sweetie is looking at me?
Uh oh - he caught me peeking at him. Well, he IS gorgeous, yeah?
Heehee, I knew she was looking. 'Here I come, my darling,'
Oh no! Not again!

I have a mane - did you notice? Well *I* think it's spectacular too!
And no, that's not a Soul Patch on my chin. I spilled my Latte this morning.
I'm playing hide and seek with my brother but I think he fell asleep.

Pssst. You'd better move a bit. The tourists are worrying that you're dead!
It's about time! They were ready to call 911!
The giraffe family wishes me good-bye. See you soon!

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