Saturday September 13, 2014
My main task today was to recover the lens hood which had jumped into the Savannah pond last week. When it was safely back on the camera, I meandered around, visiting some animals I'd not seen for a while.
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Snow Leopard: I've been waiting patiently here forever. Needless to say, I am starving.
Yo! Chefs! Breakfast is supposed to be before 9. It's now twenty to 10! Wassup with that?
Hey guys - check it out. Green lips! Green lips. Green lips! Bwhahahaha!
'Someone' has had too much orangutan-coffee this morning, eh?
For sure! Mr Greedy had one-two-three-four cups!
I like a do-it-yourself breakfast. It's so nice on a sunny morning. 
I'm just gonna pop this in my mouth before it gets cold...ermm...
I like to play Pick Up Sticks too. Here's a good one.

The sun feels good this morning.
It sure does! (Hey, nobody is sitting on the rock!)
Did someone say 'rock'? I got it first. Neener neener neener.
Dang! She might look slow but she's faster than a speeding Ostrich!
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