Sunday, October 12, 2014
My gosh there were a lot of fungi around today. There was a patch of 40 or 50 Amanita Muscaria mushrooms growing near our apartment and a few more kinds on the campus of Tim's workplace.

The Amanitas make me think of Christmas and of Norse mythology. Perhaps it's my Norwegian heritage which draws me to these pretty things.
Here is an untouched Amanita Muscaria.
Someone's had a meal or two from this one.
I was surprised to see something that looked like cotton wool growing on several Amanitas.

I'm not sure what it is - it may be mycelium. It's eerily pretty.

More were growing in the woods beside the driveway.
They are round at first.
Day by day they grow and open.
These were in the woods too.
I have no idea what sort this is yet. It was also growing in the woods.
So was this.
Here is one which was about the size of a penny.
This one looked sticky. I should have touched it!
Tiny Amanita Muscaria have pushed through the ground overnight.
Dinner for two, maybe?
Early in the morning last week I took a picture of the diners.