September 11 , 2015
Today was warm and sunny. I usually begin my Friday with a short walk before doing the chores. I'm always happy to find a friend waiting for me at my first stop. The Green Heron had some news for me.

Hey Ang - you're in for a treat today.
It's your old friend - the American Bittern.
Yep, that's me all right. Howdy-do to you on this sunny morning.
Here's one of my favorite tricks, for your amusement.
Did you like it?
Here's another - my imitation of a flamingo on one leg, haha.
And I can make myself look scary too, see?
Are you scared? Say you're scared, okay?

Ummmm, okay pal - yep, I'm soooooooo scared - not.
I can make my neck really long too. Ooooga-boooga!
So where is everybody anyway?

They headed over to the big pond early this morning.
Well what are we waiting for! Let's boogie!
And off they flew.

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