Hooray! It's mushroom time again. You never know what you're going to find lurking in the bushes. Here are pictures from a couple of recent trips up the street.
Sunday, October 25  Sunday, November 1
How fitting that a beautiful red Amanita muscaria is growing beside the local Fire Station.
A couple of Inky Cap mushrooms on their last legs grew near Tim's office.
Here's another Inky Cap near the driveway.
A beautiful, bright mushroom grew just beneath a hedge.
Others hid themselves quite well in the Autumn leaves.
These eyecatching specimens had seen better days.

Who's been nibbling at this Amanita? Likely a slug or a fly.

Sunday, Nov 1, 2015

I went for a walk on a cloudy Sunday and got drenched twice. It was worth it.
What a strange Amanita. It seems to be melting.
All teed up like a little red golf ball.
The bright red Amanitas are very festive.
As the caps age, they often turn into shallow bowls collecting items.
Teeny-tiny mushrooms are everywhere.
During a shower I discovered this fine Amanita hiding under a bush.

Bravely this one hangs on despite being someone's dinner.

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