A gorgeous sunny Saturday rolled around, and we were anxious to try out our new hiking boots. Our plans were to head towards Mount Baker and hike at Dock Butte, which promised "a 360° panorama" . It was not an easy hike, so we thought we'd do it first. Alas, 'twas not to be, so on we went, to Schreiber's Meadow and then up Mount Watson on the Watson Anderson Road.

After a disappointing start, this day proved to be one of the nicest we've had in the Mount Baker area. Here are a few pictures. It seems the bright sunlight washed out a number of our photos, but we are not complaining. <grin>

First stop - dead end
Mountain scenery
The road to Duck Butte
View from near Duck Butte
Roadside waterfall
Tim at Schreiber's Meadow
Lunch spot
View from Mount Watson
Tim at the top
Ang and the view
Flowers seen today

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