Alas, December 20, 2003 was another gray and dreary Saturday and once again we headed north for the Great Bald Eagle Hunt. There's not much to say about our day (other than it was fun to be out in the countryside). The weather stunk, our pictures stunk but we saw FORTY Bald Eagles! They are very skittish birds so needless to say we did not get close enough to take a decent picture. I have posted only a few pictures today, owing to lack of quantity and quality. We are going *cough cough* to read our manuals for our cameras before we next go out, I think.

Without further ado, here are:
Here's a picture of Rasar State Park on the banks of the Skagit River. It is a very pretty place and there were eagles feeding on the gravel banks here. They flew as soon as they saw us.
Another favorite lane of ours runs along Illabot Creek where the salmon come to spawn. Here's a pic of a tree which actually had four eagles in it (one is out of camera range).
Yeah, this is not a pretty picture but I like it :) This is what attracts the eagles.
We were driving along a country lane, minding our own business and admiring the moss on the trees.

Suddenly we rounded a corner and Tim nearly had a heart attack when he saw this out of the corner of his eye.


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