I don't look forward to birthdays much any more, except for the fact that I am grateful I am still living and breathing. Recently it was suggested that I do something special to commemorate this year's milestone, making it an occasion to welcome instead of to fear. I thought for a while, and I made an appointment at Slave To The Needle for a tattoo. I've had a big grin on my face ever since.

"Tattooing has had well-defined roles: marking a rite of passage at a stage of life, calling the spirits, proudly, defiantly or sneakily showing who you are via body art."
Amy Krakow ~ The Total Tattoo Book

I've marked this stage of my life with a tattoo. Why? I'm not sure. It's permanent. It's pretty. It's something I've thought about for a while. It's so "Seattle". And it's a reminder that the unexpected can bring smiles. Or laughter, as the case may be.

"When the designs are chosen with care, tattoos have a power and magic all their own. They decorate the body but they also enhance the soul."
Michelle Delio ~ Tattoo: The Exotic Art of Skin Decoration

I chose a dragonfly. A big one! No wussy little bugs for me, yo! It's Washington's State Insect. It's an ongoing theme between me and Tim. And appropriately, like a dragonfly I've tried out my wings, better late than never. Darcy the tattoo artist drew a quick sketch for my approval, made a transfer of it, applied it to my arm, inked the black outline and filled it in with colors of my choice. I think she did a terrific job.

Darcy draws a dragonfly

Whoaaaaa! Cool!

I love it!

Post Script:

"Evidence indicates that it is the mere presence of the tattoo, not its artistic content, that correlates with certain diagnoses. Thus, any tattoo can be viewed as a warning sign that should alert the practicing physician to look for underlying psychiatric conditions."
Raspa, Robert F. and John Cusack ~ Psychiatric Implications of Tattoos, American Family Physician.

Heh heh, maybe so. I've no doubt that there are folks rolling their eyes, as they did five years ago. No matter. It induced a change in my attitude which made my life much more pleasant. And that's always a good thing, in my book :)

I will always remember this birthday :D

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