Who would ever imagine that I'd find myself caught in a gaggle of teen and pre-teen girls and giggling middle-aged women vying for a picture of The Cullen House on a hot August afternoon? That was just one instance of Twilight-Mania which has turned the tiny, formerly sleepy little town of Forks into a surging mass of tourists.

This site is dedicated to Tim's Mom, a former school librarian who likes to keep up with what kids read. She is one of the first people I know who read and enjoyed all the Twilight books.
Neither Tim nor I have read a word of them. We have come home with a copy of the first one. In the meantime, I took pictures of whatever we saw.

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Our first inkling of what was in store for us should have been the top item on a gas station notice board more than 50 miles east of Forks! (Bella is the female lead in the Twilight series.)

As we got closer, the signage increased. A gas station/store in the hamlet of Beaver displayed two, courtesy of the Pepsi company, no doubt.

The folks at Pepsi certainly knows how to take advantage of marketing, don't they? (Edward is a vampire.)

Here's the famous Forks sign. Every time we drove past we noticed it was swarmed by tourists, having their pictures taken. A cashier at a local shop told me that the sign had just been removed and re-situated. It had been high on a hill and tourists were injuring themselves trying to climb it. So it was moved to ground level.

The Olympic Suites Motel across the road from the Forks Sign displayed this message on their signboard. Teehee.

Later that evening we took a ride to Rialto Beach. At the crossroads for Mora and La Push we spied another sign at a local store.

There was another message on the reverse side of the sign.

Even our motel got into the swing of things. At first I scoffed at the thought of a 'Twilight Heated Pool' until Tim realized that the 'Twilight' part was not related to the heated pool.

Across the road was another Motel. I was curious to know whether the rooms were decorated in Twilight mode.

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