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Four lion cubs were born to mother Adia and father Hubert on November 8th, 2012. [link] They're all flourishing and lately have been spending time outside with Mum, getting ready for their official debut. They frolic in a fenced off area under Adia's care.

Those who are lucky enough to be in the area can line up to be let into a roped off area in the small viewing area. The few minutes allotted to each group flies by. Although I was far away, I was happy to get some pictures through the thick, foggy glass.

Okay kids - here we are. Have fun and be careful.
One of the cubs sits and watches the entertainment,
It's a Wrestling Match and it goes on for ages.
Hey look at that. I think we have a winner!
Okay - enough of that. What's that I spy, over there?
I dunno. It's not Ma, that's for sure.
'You go first.' 'No YOU go first!'
Whoaaaaa - someone is very brave!
Shhhhh. Be very, very quiet. I'm hunting the Big Yellow Thing.
Hah! It's a Ball. Wanna play soccer?

And with that, our group moved out and the next group moved in.
It was the highlight of my trip.

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