Woodland Park Zoo
February 19, 2010

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'Bring any MEAT today? No? I thought not. Your memory's not too good, is it?'
'Allow me to introduce myself. I'm your new *ahem* boyfriend.'
'Sez who? I don't need a boyfriend. Don't you take one step closer, or else!''

'Now wait a minute. Don't take this the wrong way, but I've been hired to ummm, be your boyfriend.'


'Hah! A likely story. I never heard of a Bear Escort Service. and you've obviously never heard of a barber.'

'I have a sunny little window too. It's so nice and warm in my little spot.'
'Hey, how about giving a girl some privacy while she puts on her face, huh? '
'I just got back from the Dentist. She said my teeth are awesome.'
'Bwhahahaha, your Dentist must need glasses! Now mine - they look like ivory piano keys. Old ivory.'
'I thought when I took this gig I'd be getting a salary. I guess they meant celery. Boohoo.'
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