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Hey have you got a minute?
I need some good advice.
Check out this skin upon my neck.
It really looks a fright!

Have you got any makeup
That I could borrow please?
The tourists all must think that I
Have quite a bad disease!


I wish those freakin' workmen.
Would finish my Savannah.
If they don't get a move on,
I'll eat their top banana.

We don't need Martha Stewart.
Or Feng Shui - what a crock.
Just some grass to hide our a**,
And one nice heated rock.

I cannot understand just why
My paws won't reach my pouch.
My fingers, they are very cold.
It makes me quite a grouch.

My arms, they are just too danged short.
It doesn't make much sense.
I sure could use some mittens, yo!
Just toss them o'er the fence.

Sumatran Tiger
I'm pacing as it's lunchtime
And you are in my sight.
You look quite plump and meaty.
I bet you taste all right!

My stomach thinks my throat's been cut.
I know I'm growing thinner.
That stupid moat is in my way
Or you would be my dinner.

I'm sitting here upon my branch
And Toucan is my name.
It really should be Onecan
There's only me. How lame.

I wish I had a buddy
To hang out here with me
Yes, two can have a lot more fun
Than one can, so you see.

Keel Billed Toucan
How'd you like to lug around
This silly, heavy beak?
It ain't no fun. It weighs a ton
And makes me feel quite weak.

And what about the colors?
They're loud and gaudy. Geeez!
There's no way I can hide this thing
Among the leaves and trees.

Golden Lion Tamarin
If you think that I'll sit still
You really are mistaken.
Let's see you take a pic of me!
I'm moving and I'm shakin'.

You're lucky you're outside the glass
And I am safe inside.
Or else I'd jump upon your head
And ask you for a ride.


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