Woodland Park Zoo ~ March 24, 2008

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A few days ago, one of the lemurs was euthanized following an illness due to kidney failure. He was 20 years old, doing well to live to that age as lemurs in captivity usually live to about 19. Although it made me sad, I like the way the local papers keep us up to date. [link]

Bear Wars

Now this was something special! In all the years I've been coming here, I've never seen the bears play-fighting and boy, was it impressive! I watched them for ten or fifteen minutes, along with a crowd.
Pssst. Wanna put on a show? Let's rock and roll!
Stand up tall. That always looks impressive.
Pretend you are gonna bite my neck..
Hahaha, they think we are serious, silly people.
Okay, now roarrrrrr! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!.
Not to be rude, but did you clean your teeth this morning?
Ahhhh, our work is done. Time for a rest.

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