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The trail was easy although parts of it were quite slippery because of mud. I'm making my way downhill between a couple of large boulders.

As we left the campus of Western Washington University, I noticed some sculptures. I hadn't been aware of the Outdoor Sculpture Collection, so perhaps we'll return one day for a closer look.

This sculpture called Manus by Magdalena Abakanowicz 'represents a metaphoric bridge between a form of nature and a human form.'
Our next stop was Whatcom Falls Park, on Electric Avenue. Of course Tim and I had to chorus the oldie 'Electric Avenue' as we turned into the park. A lovely old sandstone bridge crosses Whatcom Creek just below the Falls.
And what a pretty waterfall it is! It's about 20 or 30 feet high, crashing onto mossy old boulders and nestled in among a grove of trees. Downstream there's another smaller waterfall into which people jump from a small cliff.

I found a Golden Waxy-cup mushroom hiding in the undergrowth.
We walked around Whatcom Falls Park a bit. Parts of the trail had recently been refubished. Others were quite scary, as I found out when, flattened against a sheer wall just above the water I clung to a couple of tree roots and tried to find my footing on a ledge that couldn't have been more than 3 inches wide. I should have retraced my steps and gone the long way round but eh, I made it, and inched my way towards the bridge without dropping my camera or my monopod. I was proud of that. Tim made it too!
Upon crossing the bridge we saw this very pretty, calm area surrounded by grass and picnic tables. What a nice spot for lunch.

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