April 30. 2011
Many of our favorite areas remain closed by snow or winter storm damage, so we're still doing flatland hikes. On Saturday we visited the Old Sauk Trail near Darrington. We got a surprising amount of exercise!
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I lost sight of the path at this point.

Climbing over this roadblock was harder than it looks.

We were so glad we had our hiking sticks.

Lots of fungi grew on the trees.

Some of the dead wood played host to Slime Mold.

These tiny flowers may be a type of Wood Violet. Or not.

Luckily the bridge was still in pretty good shape.

Here the trail has sunk 2 or 3 feet, probably from a washout.

Whoa Nellie - look at the sliver on this stump!

If you stand still for too long, moss will grow on you too.

We both enjoyed the trip and the exercise.

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