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As we were boogeying along, we spotted a hawk perched at the very top of a tree. It might be a Broad-winged Hawk (I'm not sure).
Here's a Grouse on the run into the bushes. Tim saw another one, but it was too quick for us. This chap made such a funny up-and-down bobbing movement whenever he stood still.
I nearly stepped on this little guy as I was climbing back up to the car during one of our forays. He quickly rolled himself into a ball.
Many wild Dogwood trees were in blossom all along the roadsides. They were very striking.
In fact, wildflowers were blooming everywhere. Here's a pretty little spray. I'm not sure what it is - it looks as if it could be some sort of Mallow.
A Trillium is sometimes known as Wake Robin because according to legend, it appears just about the same time as the Robins return.
I find the plain old Skunk Cabbage to be a very attractive plant in the Springtime.

Here are a few more of the wildflowers.

Despite the less than lovely weather, it was great fun to be out in the countryside, and I think we both enjoyed ourselves a lot.

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