Goslings near North Creek Trail
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'Am I supposed to eat this stick-thing?' 'Dunno.'.
'Hey, does anyone know what this green stuff is?'
'Ahhh, nothing like a nice cool drink on a sunny day.'
'Blech - that tasted like mud!'
'Okay kiddo - it's getting near nap time.'
'Geez, why do they always make us go to sleep when I'm having fun. I'm NOT tired!'
The group of older goslings were herded into a group between Mom and Dad.
Mom provided a cosy feathery shelter for the younger goslings.
'Okay lady - it's nap time. Go away.'
'Don't even THINK about sneaking up on us.'
'I'm not tired. Are you?' 'Nope, but she's not gonna let us go - I know it.'
Goslings. Love 'em.
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