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Ever since a friend recently posted a picture of a strange and wonderful sculpture in Aberdeen, I've been longing to go and see it for myself. I couldn't find anything on the Web about it, other than a page of someone's photos on Flickr.

As we drove through Aberdeen on the way home, we took a short detour and I almost shrieked out loud as I spotted a sculpture on a street corner. Kind and patient Tim found a parking spot and I had a look around.

They're Sidewalk Art, apparently, and they certainly do brighten up the streets. They are categorized humorously as Rare and Endangered Species of Grays Harbor. Most are named and have a small plaque with a history next to them. Apparently I only found a few.

I photographed the plaques as well, which can be read by using the 'Click' button below each picture.

Wishkah Winker
Hoquiam Honker

Bull Snout
Pile Python
Bald Beagle
Barkbeetle Beggar

This guy didn't have a name or a history. He stood on a main street corner.

I tried to find a location map of the sculptures on the Web but so far I've come up empty. Hopefully one day we'll return and I can continue my hunt.

It was a great ending to an already perfect day (despite the massive, long traffic jam on the I-5 on the way home).

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