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Poppies, poppies, poppies - all sizes and colors, from brilliant dark red to dainty, light pink. They swayed in the breeze and trembled as the raindrops hit them.
Some roses were already blooming too. I loved the delicate shades on this one.
I believe this odd-shaped plant is colloquially known as a Red Hot Poker. It always makes me smile.
A little bed of pansies were glorious shades of apricot and peach. I've never seen any that color before.
Irises were one of my Mum's favorite flowers and she loved to paint them. I think of her every time I see an iris.
There were many beautifully colored irises on display today, such as this boldly hued plant.
Some were looking a little worse for wear because of the rain and wind, but they still shone out brightly.
Rhododendrons and clematis climbed colorfully up a trellis. My walk was invigorating and I was glad I'd made the effort.
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