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This is pretty well as far as I went, and I didn't look down either!
Tim makes his way back up the slippery slabs of rock.
Just a few more trilliums :)
We took a different route back, called the Wagon Road Trail. Here I am hiding in a big old hollow tree.
Tim is playing peek-a-boo through the roots of another large tree.
The trail was much less groomed than the previous trail but very pretty.
Ahhh - a fun guy with some fungi.

And one more. I thought the colors on this were striking.

After the hike, we explored a little in the area and found ourselves near Snoqualmie Pass. The clouds lifted enough so that we could see a bit of the mountains.
I took this through the car window on the I-90 coming home. The passenger's footwear made me smile.
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