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'...Ah-one, Ah-two, Ah doodle de doodle dee do!'
Wait! I messed up! You're going too fast for me.
Bwhahahahahaha - that was the best one yet! My sides hurt from laughing.
I bet we could do that stuff. It looks easy-peasy.
No, no, no. You started on the wrong foot. Ready? Again...5-6-7-8.
You made me get all confused. Why did you start at 5? What happened to 1-2-3-4?
Tell ya what. Let's take a few lessons at Fred Astaire's before we try to do this in public.
Meanwhile, in the Lions' Den, everyone was dozing. One was on the rock.

The rest were in the tall grass, looking around...
And practicing making silly faces. 
And as the Macaque Monkey said 'That's the end of this tail'
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