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We looked longingly at the trail, but it was not for us today.
I was surprised by this Longhorn Beetle - what a strange creature.
Large patches of lovely Avalanche Lilies could be seen here and there.

Small patches of snow clung to the landscape too.


Here's another look at the Olympic Mountain Range from the top of the ridge.


'Okay' croaks the Raven. 'Here's the picnic table. Where's the picnic?'

'Hah, Mr Greedy strikes out again!' says his pal.
What's a gal gotta do for some peace and quiet?

Roadside wildflowers included Indian Paintpbrush.

I think this is a Goldstar (but I'm not sure).
It sure was pretty going down the mountains.
'Hey wait! Have you a fly swatter I could borrow?'

And with that, it was back to the ferry and the trip home.
A good time was had by all.
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