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The lions sleep today - all 5 in a pile on the Hot Rock.
Love their little sleepy faces!
'With very short necks and relatively long legs, how do Warthogs reach the short new shoots? They kneel on their wrist joints. Hard callous pads form there enabling warthogs to shuffle along for extended periods while feeding.'


It was feeding time for the Indian Flying Fox (Old World Fruit Bat).

They 'ran along' the branches so quickly using their hooks.
The Snow Leopard youngsters had a quick game of Hide and Seek.
I see you up there on the rock! One-two-three, you're out.
So how do you like my hat/scarf/blanket/tent?
If I take my cup, I'm always ready for a treat. That's smart thinking.
What a great place for a nap, right next to the Food Station.
Life is good
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