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The name of this sculpture is Sitting Woman. We had fun guessing what she was sitting on, teehee.

There were three or four different shapes of sculptures in a grassy area. They looked delicate.

Here's another view of the Sammammish River.

There were a number of overlooks where one could sit and rest.

A pretty garden area gave folks another spot to pause awhile.

There were many beautiful flowers and plants in this garden.

Here's just one of them.

'Huh?' says Tim. 'Bluebird by Mike Decker gives visitors the chance to play with shadows that reflect through this piece, as they fluctuate according to the sunlight and time of day. Cyclists and pedestrians take on a different appearance when seen though the filter of this unique piece.' Uhhh yeah. It's about all those grimy fingerprints, Mike.


It was a pleasant outing, except for our brushes with mortal injury cyclists. Would we go again?
Probably not, unless we take our bicycles. But if we worked near there, we'd use it all the time.

If you can identify/correct any of these, please email me. :) I'm stumped!

1. Brewer's Butterweed?

2. Wild Carrot

3. Butter-and Eggs

4. Common Tansy
(thanks M.)

5. ???

6. Wild Morning Glory

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