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Hey! Whatcha doin' down there? Huh? Huh??.
Shhhhhh! I'm practicing my high climbing. Don't tell Ma.
Do you think she saw me? She might be pretending to be asleep.
I dunno, but we'd both better get down before she wakes up.
Heh - here I am at the window. Do I make you nervous?
This is my awesome scary look!
Hey, come on! Let's go exploring!.
Okay - wait up. These rocks are slippery from last night's rain.

It's so nice to have a friend to do things with, even if you are my sister.
Summer. Tourists. Sighhhh. I can run but I can't hide.
You're lucky. We can hide but we can't run.
The-gorilla-formerly-known-as-Baby. Yes, It's Izuuma, looking mighty grown up.
Gorillas appear to be great mimics. A year or two ago, one of them adopted the rather nasty habit of spitting her just-eaten food into her hand and re-eating it. In no time at all, all the gorillas were doing it. The 'Ewwwwws' and 'Yucks!' from the viewers were quite funny but also true.

This year it appears that a new habit has swept the troop. It too generates a lot of 'Ewwwwws' and 'Yucks' . If you're still curious, mouse-over the above picture. Ewwww. Yuck!

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