A Walk on the Edge
Cape Flattery, WA

August 4, 2012

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To the East are the caves, sometimes alive with birds but today - not so much.
To the west, rugged rocks also usually play host to many water birds.
Tim takes in the view from a high lookout.
Yep, it's me below him, trying to see some shorebirds, to no avail.
At the end of the trail is a large lookout with a great view of Tatoosh Island straight ahead.
How nice it was to see the usual California sea lions (?) basking in the sunshine.
Skittering around the flat rocks were Oystercatchers, identified by orange bills and flesh-colored legs.
A couple of Black Guillemots drifted along in the tiny waves.
Alas it was time to say adieu as we had a long drive home ahead of us.
I waved to My Canada as we left the tip of the Cape.
Good-bye gnarly tree - see you next time, I hope.
A good day indeed...

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