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Ma: '...and that's why you must be careful.     'Cub: 'My Mom is SO smart!'
I'd better hang out here behind this tree until she forgets about me.
Why do we ALWAYS have to wrestle? I am NOT a fan of it!
Hah! Ya gotta be thirsty to drink green water!
So the water's green. What of it? We're still alive and kicking, aren't we?
Oh good grief, check it out. He's at it again. 
Quit whining and give me a boost! That's all I need and I'll be up, up and away.
Okay that's IT! You're too heavy. No boosts from me - I'm outta here.
Can you believe those two? Ma will NOT be happy if she sees them trying to climb again.
Speaking of 'not happy', *I* am not happy either. How would you like to hear your kids playing in the next yard and not be able to play with them or even see them? *sigh* Maybe one of these days their Ma will decide I'm not so bad after all. Fingers/paws crossed!
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