Woodland Park Zoo ~ September 5, 2008

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If I'm quick, I can hoover up all this food before the other two even get out of the pond.
Not so fast, Ms Greedy! Here I come!
I'm always hoping to find something interesting in this basket.
Pfffft. Straw again. C'mon guys, how about a little creativity one of these days, huh? Huh?
If we keep really, really still, maybe that lady will go away.
I was excited to be the only person at the gorilla window. I got the sense that something was not right.
Baby Uzuuma would not get off Mum's back. She looked scruffy and tired, not well at all.
She's usually so full of beans in the mornings, playing, eating and just generally being a kid.
I mentioned it to a Zoo worker who was washing the windows. She said she'd tell the Gorilla people right away. Poor little soul, she looked so plaintive (Uzuuma, not the window washer). I hope she's up to her old tricks soon.

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