September 9, 2010

Bliss. No crowds. Eh, so what if it was cool and damp. I loved it

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It's so nice when you have someone to snuggle with in the cool, damp weather. Body heat can't be beat.

What the heck does this little whippersnapper think he is doing huh? Hey Kid! Go away!
Not too many want to snuggle with someone like me *sigh*!
Hah - we love this cooler weather. *Snow* Leopards - get it?
A couple of Tamandua Anteaters from South America are roomates of the elusive 2-toed Sloth. They're tree-dwelling anteaters with very strong arms and claws.
They're also amazingly quick and agile, and spent a lot of time playfully climbing, chasing each other and 'wrestling'.
Over at Gorilla Troop 2's cage there was a wrestling match going on too. Uzuuma and her big sister Calaya were playing Rumble In The Jungle.
I must try to refrain from referring to Uzuuma as the 'baby gorilla' from now on.

Uzuuma agrees. She's not a baby any more.

Over at Gorilla Troop 1, all are napping except for Nadiri(?), who's kinda glad she's in with the quiet folks.
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