September 29, 2008
How could I resist a trip to the Zoo on a gorgeous September day? A bazillion other people had the same idea. I think we all enjoyed the animals who were kind enough to show their faces. Well, all except for one woman at the gorilla window who was moaning loudly about how disgusting it was to see animals in captivity. Ummmm, hello lady - it's a ZOO!

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So what's up with this? I made a nice nest. Where the heck are my eggs?

Hiya down there! I haven't seen you for a long, long time.

I sure wish I were a flying squirrel. I'd hop that fence in no time at all.

Yes, I'm hanging on for dear life. A gust of wind would blow me over!

Lazybones...sleeping in the sun.

Shhh. Don't wake my brother. I'm trying to eat all the food before he gets up.

It's my Spa Day. Have you seen the massage therapist? My neck is killing me.

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