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Here's a display of bright Asters.

I'm not even going to guess at the names of these flowers.


This one is called the Toad Lily. It was a tiny little flower.
The monochromatic plants were just as lovely.
I believe this is Pampas Grass. It was very tall.

There were many Cedar Waxwings flapping about, no doubt attracted by the many berries on the bushes.

Hummingbirds also darted in and out of the leaves.

Lastly, we walked through the Yao Japanese Garden, named for Bellevue's sister city in Japan.

It combines the use of some northwest plants with those that are native to Japan.

"Man did not weave the web of life, he is merely a strand in it."

In these fast-paced times, it's refreshing to see a group like the Bellevue Botanical Garden Society caring for this earth.

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