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Look how high Amanda and baby Uzuuma like to climb now!

My Grandma knitted this for me. It's just the thing for days like this.

I'm not sure. Do you think this is 'me'? What about the color? Too green?

I don't need no steenkin' hat! I live in a warm place, so my cap is just fine.

Flash that thing at me one more time and I'm gonna yell for a zookeeper!

You think it's cold? Gah, yer a bunch of sissies. C'mon in - the water's great!

Hey! Who turned out the lights? Huh?

Who needs hats? I'm just staying under the nice warm water with my pal here.

Hats, schmats. Give me my blankie. I'm goin' to sleep now. Night-night!

Even the Hallowe'en pumpkins had a good laugh today.

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