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Soon the leaves will be gone from our trees and there will be nowhere to hide. Oh dear.
Baby Giraffe

Well here I am, just like a big giraffe now, except for my bodyguards.
Ooooooh. Ooooooh. I spy with my little eye...
Auntie! It's me! Surprise, surprise! I'm right behind you.
This is more fun than the barn, isn't it Auntie?
That young giraffe sure is a cute little critter, ain't he?

*muttering to self* And the ferocious jungle beast quietly stalks his prey on tippy-toe.
Tippy-toe? Oooooooooh, scary! Bwhahahahahaha.
Best friends forever, right? Right!
Y'know, it's kinda silly for both of us to look in the same direction.

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